
What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore-- and then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over--like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode? --Langston Hughes

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Saving America?

Let him begin by treating patriotism… as part of his religion. Then let him, under the influence of partisan spirit, come to regard it as the most important part. Then quietly and gradually nurse him on to the stage at which the religion becomes merely a part of the “cause,” in which Christianity is valued chiefly because of the excellent arguments it can produce… once he’s made the world an end, and faith a means, you have almost won your man, and it makes very little difference what kind of worldly end he is pursuing.

C.S. Lewis, from The Screwtape Letters.

Since the mid ‘70s a large number of Christians have focused their attention on politics in order to save America. At the same time and with ever increasing success, politicians have been convincing Christians that they are the political saviors to be voted for. Republicans have nearly exclusively been the Christian party. In fact many seem to blur the line between Christianity and Republicanism. This relationship between Republicans and Christians is confusing to Christians in almost every other country in the world. Internationally Christians are primarily supporters of the “left.” What has happened in America that has drawn Christians to the “right?”

A new book Tempting Faith by a Christian and a former member of the Bush administration, David Kuo, has discovered first hand that Christians have been used. Kuo even helped run a seminar for Republican Candidates for the House and Senate to show them how to run and more specifically how to ensure the Christian vote. Kuo found that most Republican politicians campaign with Christian themes like “pro-life,” but once in office, such ideals were placed on the back burner until it was time to run for office again. David Kuo even speaks of one Republican candidate who campaigned pro-life, then once in office drew up a bill that would pretty much ban abortions. Surprisingly, the Bush White House talked him out of such a bill, telling him to slow down. He didn’t just slow down, nothing has happened since.

By 2008, Republicans will have controlled the White House for 20 out of the last 28 years. They will have chosen 7 out of the 9 Supreme Court justices, and they will have controlled the House and the Senate for most of the last 12 years. Even with Republicans showing such dominance in Washington, little has been accomplished with what was promised to Christians. Not only that, but the ugliest things about our culture seem to be getting worse at an ever increasing rate. The divorce rate grows every year, about 1.5 million abortions are performed every year, the poverty rate continues to grow along with the gap between the rich and the poor. More Americans are without health care than ever before, and our education system is leaving more and more kids behind, unless the parents have money. Money that could go to our public schools to produce educated responsible citizens is instead going to build prisons. Are Christians blind to all of this or have we just become nationalists worshipping a false messiah?

Often times in Christian circles, I hear jokes reflecting hatred toward liberals, democrats, and of course Hillary Clinton. I have to ask myself, is this how Jesus wanted us to be clothed? The term Christian no longer makes people think of love, but instead Christians are seen as judgmental. As David Kuo so aptly puts it in his book: “The name “Jesus” doesn’t bring to mind the things he said he wanted associated with His followers—love for one another; love for the poor, sick, and imprisoned; self denial; and devotion to God. It is associated with anti-abortion activities, opposition to gay rights, the Republican Party, and tax cuts. Can anything that dilutes the name of Jesus be worth it?”

Christianity is under attack. Under attack by its own self appointed religious leaders. Today’s religious leaders seem to be no different than the religious leaders of Jesus’ day; the ones who Jesus was continually showing that they had it all wrong. I have often read and heard about the sin behind all sins. Many theologians have thought on the subject and most come to the same conclusion. It is not liberalism, or homosexuality, but rather “pride.” Pride is the “us wanting to be God.” The most blatant way one shows their pride is by laying judgment on others. So it puzzles me, but does not surprise me that although we hear about “pride” and the dangers of it, we fail to apply the lessons to ourselves. What results are a bunch of Christians lecturing the world on morality and how to live your lives like us (as if we are sin free). Christians have forgotten Jesus’ third commandment—to go into the world sharing the good news of the Gospel. Instead, Christians have gone into the world sharing the law and trying to pass more laws. It has become clear to me that the “Christian Right” does not care about Christian things like the changing of hearts by the power of Christ. Instead they shove condemnation down people’s throats and expect that to make the world a better place.

Christians have allowed themselves to believe that making our country pro-life is more important than hearts being changed for Christ. The Christian Right and many Christian conservative politicians have for years been wearing “pro-life” as their sheep’s clothing. They then have the Christian backing for all their wolfly deeds done behind our ever so willing backs. Many pro-life voters do not even consider any other policies of a candidate. They say they don’t need to because the fact their candidate is pro-life should reflect on the rest of their candidate’s character and decision making. This is what I mean by sheep’s clothing. Christians more than anyone should be cautious of supporting some body based on one shining attribute. The Bible tells us that Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light and yet we know he is the father of lies.

I write this essay from the perspective of somebody who was fooled by the sheep’s clothing. Then once I began to question and have different opinions than that of the far right, I was quickly labeled and dismissed as a liberal and a conspiracy theorist. It showed me first hand the influence politics has had on Christians. Christians have learned to reject, shun, and verbally dismantle the worth of those with different opinions. “Love your enemy” has not only become “hate your enemy,” but “love” has been taken out of the vocabulary all together.

Do either Republicans or Democrats model the Christian ideal that Jesus was the perfect example of? Is any political party worthy of our allegiance? If Jesus were here today, I think many would be very surprised as to whose company he would keep and for who he would have the harshest words. But if we have read the Gospels, we should not be surprised one bit.

Where does all this leave us? For me, I am left knowing I am not going to find my savior in any politician or in any political issue. I am also struck by the fact that Jesus had to rebuke his own disciples, telling them they were not of the right spirit. Maybe today, Jesus’ followers still need to be rebuked and reminded what the true spirit of Jesus stands for. I am earnest in wanting to understand the Gospel better each day and to be swept away in love with Christ. I find I am easily swept away in the mess we call politics.